A New Project -- Gift Ideas

The newest project just started. Its called the Nutty Goat. Don't look at me like that, I didn't pick that name. Anyways, its a website that offers gift lists, free gift ideas, and a professional gift concierge.

The domain is already a few years old. The goals of this site are to:

  • Compile unique gift ideas
  • Reach out to some awesome Etsy sellers and add their gifts as listings
  • Reach out to inventors and Kickstarters and list their products
  • Provide an unparalleled unique gift concierge service
  • Eventually expand into deals/coupons

The Nutty Goat's Gift IDeas

That nuttygoat grey looks pretty good in this theme. Maybe I should consider getting a logo here....

In the meantime, check out this awesome gift group-buy service.


Explain what the heck this blog is about

Several people have stumbled upon this blog recently and asked, "Nathan, is that your website?"

The answer is yes... I've always enjoyed playing around with websites. I registered this blogspot domain because it was the exact match for my first and last name. But, when I was 14 years old, I wasn't very interested in actually blogging about myself. I was interested in playing around on Google to see if I could rank for terms. Back then most people believed it was much harder to rank for keywords if your website didn't have any of the keywords in the URL. So, theoretically it would have been hard to rank this website for terms other than / unrelated to "nathan lile." I didn't believe this, of course.

So, that's a short explanation for why there are such absolutely random topics on here. Some of them are just copy and pastes from other websites. Mostly, just fun and games. I'm probably not going to write anything of much value on here as I'm not interested in blogging and have better things to do. Nevertheless, this post is for all you people who randomly show up here and want to know whats up.

Inb4 Nathan, you're so conceited. 


Website Development in Waynesville North Carolina

Who doesn't love a beautiful website? To make it in today's digital age, everyone needs a website -- not just companies! Your name is your online brand and you need to protect it. I'm from Waynesville, NC and I've been doing website development and digital marketing for years now. Many web developers are 'remote' meaning that they won't ever see you in-person. Sure, they might call you over the phone, but good luck explaining exactly what you need. In some cases, you might not even understand them. And then there are the big agencies. They may be local, but they have thousands of clients. They may 'assign' an account manager to you, but you're just a number in their system. That's one of the reasons why I provide independent web design and marketing services. I took over an IT company called Broadstone Services and have been independently working ever since. I'm not completely alone -- I've developed a network of connections and contract workers that I hire for different jobs. I can manage on my own, but for quicker turnaround times I contract out certain jobs to other professionals that I have grown to trust over numerous years of working together. I work with the intent to provide the best services I can to the local business owner and the local professional. Why should you hire me (and my company) for web design in Waynesville, N.C.?

There are an awful lot of skills that go into the term 'web design.' Its a multidisciplinary job! Web designers need to have design skills because websites need to be aesthetically pleasing. Web developers need to be skilled programmers as well. Add additional functionalities that come on top of a content management system are hard coded by the developer. But marketing is also essential for website design. A website should be designed with marketing in mind AND a website should be optimized (from the tech side of things) not just for user experience, but for search engines and spiders and bots. The marketing side of things also encompasses email marketing and pay per click advertising.

Wait, there is more.

Your site should be optimized for an audience. This means that market research is required for designing the site. Don't forget that each page may need to have a specific purpose. Some pages need to be 'landing pages,' some pages need 'call-to-actions,' there are front-end and back-end pages, and there are any number of customized options in-between. Your site should be live 24/7 so we manage our own private servers to host your site. We take care of domain renewal, of course.

Want more?

We understand that your website isn't just a 'website,' its your digital identity. Your online presence. You have a digital reputation as well. We take care of that too. I specialize in online presence management. What does that mean? Well, online presence encompasses everything I've mentioned and more. Your online presence is everything about you that shows up online. Your Google results, your name, your company, your past and present jobs, your website, your social media accounts, what you post on social media, your online reviews, and much much more.

Still don't believe that a lot goes into web design or that we aren't qualified?

People seem to love buzz words, here are some more things you might have heard. Squeeze pages! Schema markup! Meta data! Wordpress? Enfold customization. Responsive websites. The list goes on and on, and we've heard it all because we know it all. You can read more about the solutions we offer.

The digital marketing world might be vast, but I've been immersed in it for almost a decade... not to mention my contract staff.

I'm qualified, with undergraduate degree in computer science and 8 years of internet marketing, affiliate marketing, and website design. I still enjoy learning new programming languages. Right now I'm super into CasperJS.

I'm also willing to be affordable. I know that small businesses can't afford the same premium package that our largest clients can. Either way, we can provide the services.

Just want a personal portfolio website? We can do that too.


Give the most unique gift of the holiday season... for only $5

Having trouble thinking of original Christmas present ideas? Or maybe you're looking to give your significant other something unique for New Years? This year, give the most memorable gift of the holiday season for only five dollars!

That can't be right, just $5? Yep, we're talking about Fiverr's unique gift ideas.

For instance, with over 700 happy buyers, this gig will send your Holiday greetings through 3 HD Underwater Photos Holding Your Custom Message.

If you are feeling lucky, over here, Fiverr will take you to a completely random gig.

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Show Your Support for Diabetes

I forgot that November is National Diabetes Month! -- Until I was reminded that I should show my support by wearing a free diabetes wrist band.

What you need to know

With type 1 diabetes, your body can't make insulin, so you need to take insulin every day. Type 1 diabetes is less common than type 2 diabetes; about 5% of the people who have diabetes have type 1. Currently, no one knows how to prevent type 1 diabetes.

More than 29 million people in the United States have diabetes, but 1 out of 4 don’t know they have it. Most people with diabetes—9 out of 10—have type 2 diabetes. With type 2 diabetes, your body doesn’t use insulin well and is unable to keep blood sugar at normal levels.

Learn more about diabetes at the U.S. government's National Diabetes Education Program.

And if you're interested in showing your support, make sure to wear a wristband.

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G2A.com Affiliate Program Review - How to Make Money & Payment Proof

(our full money-making guide is available here, but go ahead and read this as well!)

To begin, here is a small payment proof:

This is nothing compared to the full potential of G2A.com.

 If you are new to G2A.com you are going to want to head straight over to https://www.g2a.com/r/affiliate-sign-up and claim your Free Affiliate Package. What does it look like on the inside?

They go ahead and give you all the tools you need to market their website! You will get affiliate links, banners, statistics, customization links, tracking, all the information about your affiliates, and more.

There are two ways to make money with the Affiliate program.

  1. Spread your ref link to people who don't know about the Program. These people that sign up under you will help you earn money. Each time they get someone to buy a product, you get commission. So, in a way, you don't have to actually sell anything. Just find people that are good at selling stuff. AKA popular YouTube users.
  2. Actually sell the products. If you have a YouTube channel that does Gaming or a Twitch.tv account that is popular, just throw up your Affiliate link and anyone who visits it will get a tracking cookie. This cookie lasts until they clear their browser's cookies... This means that they don't have to buy anything right when they click the link. Whenever they buy anything after clicking your link, you will make money.
Let's go a bit more in depth. Here is a FULL GUIDE with step to step instructions. With about a weeks worth of work, we have had affiliates making $250 a week. I'm not going to lie, you will have to put some work into it initially, but after that, its smooth sailing. 


How to Make Money with G2A.com - Simple Guide

The first step is to sign up for free at: https://www.g2a.com/r/money-guide

What we will do? We are going to make some money with a new website you probably haven't heard of before. G2A

How are we doing it? Technically it is Affiliate marketing. Before you think 'oh no, not another affiliate
marketing eBook', I'll have to break your bubble. Most affiliate marketing eBooks don't tell you how to do it, they tell you to do it and think of the ways on your own.

Who are we targeting?

Gamers. PC gamers. Since we're targeting several millions of
people, this method can not get saturated, as we have an almost infinite crowd we can earn money from.

How are we doing it?

By using heavily gamer-populated sites so we get attention by many PC gamers.

Learning the basics

Basically, you want as many people clicking on your affiliate link.
According to the people clicking the link, I will divide the people
into 3 groups:
1) The Big Fish (TBF)
2) The Inner Cirlce (TIC)
3) The Small Fish (TSF)
We will be using the site g2a.com: https://www.g2a.com/r/affiliate-sign-up

G2a.com is a website that sells cheaper video games, and offers many great deals, sometimes reducing the prices over 70%. Except that you can earn money from it, you can also get really cheap PC games. It's popular, but I'd say 95% of PC gamers still didn't hear about it, and still shop retail games on Steam, Origin, Battlenet and etc. The site is absolutely legit and is extremely high quality. I've been using it for over a year for my own purchases, and only recently decided to start earning money from it. Clicking on the affiliate link makes people save your affiliate in their Cookies. So if they click on it, and don't decide to buy a game straight away, but in 2-3 days, you'll still get the same profit as long as you're saved in their cookies.


Register on the website, and then go to the Goldmine:
The Goldmine is the affiliate program, and it'll be your home for some time.
When you make your first purchase on g2a (you can invest like $3 and make a purchase) you'll get some demo affiliates under your name, so you can check out how it all works.

The hierarchy

Not all people who you're targeting should be people who buy PC
games. According to that, I've made up 3 groups of people which
you can target, and each group is unique. The hierarchy system is
something that you always must have in mind. Not all of the
gamers who click on your link have to purchase something. You
can form your own affiliate team and make them spread your link
around the Internet, and you'll still be gaining money.
The hierarchy system is explained by this illustration on g2a:
You're on top, and your level 1 gamers make you 100% of the
income. Level 1 gamers refer level 2 gamers, from which you get
60% (and your level 1 gamer gets 100% from the earning). The
level 2 gamers refer level 3 gamers, from which you earn 40%
(your level 1 gamers earn 60%, and your level 2 gamers earn
100%). The more you earn, the bigger percentage you get from
every sale. You start with around 10% from each sale.

The Big Fish (TBF)
TBF are popular people in the world of gaming. They're streamers,
Youtubers, community managers, or any well-known person that
gamers know of. The income they can bring you is not direct, and
they're only used to attract more people from which you earn
your money, but they earn as well. Most streamers and Youtubers
are in the business for the money, so introducing them to a new
way of income with no effort at all can be pretty interesting for
I, personally, currently have 14 popular streamers under my
affiliate. Most of them don't know that they're under my affiliate,
and they're generating at least 50% of my total income. The
streamers are streaming on a site called twitch.tv.
The streamers only have to share their link on their livestream and
try to promote it every hour or two, and you'll be getting money in
no time. I've got an extremely popular streamer under my link. He
gets around 10k people watching on average and he generates
around 2,000 clicks daily. Take into consideration that I've got 14
live streamers under my name, which makes me get at least
10,000 cookies daily. Most of them don't buy straight away, but at least 50% of them do buy at least 1 game.
Do the math yourself

Do you see the potential?
There are thousands of streamers, hundred thousands of people watching, and an infinite crowd where you can share your link.
Q: Why would it be interesting for them?
A: Why would I buy a game for $60 if I can buy it for $30?
Approaching twitch.tv streamers and how to catch their attention
Don't: spam their chat, spam their PMs, use accounts named like
'g2aAnakin' 'buysellkeys' etc.
Do: approach them like a regular viewer with a great idea of
earning extra income. PM them, act like you're watching them for

Example2: Another part of the TBF group are Youtubers. The only
difference between them and Twitch.tv streamers is that they
can't advertise directly on Youtube, but they do have their
Facebook fan pages, Twitters and other means of social media
contacts. Approach is the same: PM them, talk to them, tell them
they can earn money from it.
Most of the Youtubers are more open minded to this idea than
streamers. Streamers are really hard to get under your affiliate
and you will most likely get rejected in 99% of the cases. The 1%
will generate crazy income, so the main focus should be: never
give up. Try several times, try different games, try all kinds of
different things, but never get disappointed. It'll help you.
Let's move on.

The Inner Circle (TIC)
TIC is a group of people, friends, who you know play PC games.
You share the website with them, and then talk them into
spreading the word about the website. It'll generate an income
both for you and them. The point of TIC is to share methods, share
work efforts and generate an income for both of you and your TIC
members. Managing your TIC is something of significant
importance, and it's up to you whether you'll work 1 on 1 with
each member of your TIC or you'll form a group of people working
together to accomplish goals.
My personal TIC is managed in a way that people don't know
about each other and I mostly support and work with 1 person in

The Small Fish (TSF)
TSF are gamers who actually do purchase games. They're not
people you target by-person, but people who get attracted in the
terms of massive advertisement either by your, your TBF or your
TIC. They're the people who spend, and the people who make
your income. Other than letting your TBF or TIC do the work of
gathering TSF, I will list my own personal methods of how I have
collected the majority of my TSF. Exciting!
Facebook is all about spamming. Create a new account (or hack a
used one, which is great as well) and simply start spamming the
link. Join gaming groups, join gaming pages and share your link on
every single thing that you can find. Example: you want to link
your affiliate link to Titanfall. Titanfall is a FPS gaming which will
be released in March and it's being published by EA games. Join
the fan pages of EA games, Titanfall or any EA games related game
page (e.g Mass Effect, Battlefield, SWTOR) and post it there as well
at least once per day.
Another thing you can do is contact Facebook page owners and
tell them about the method of earning, making them become
your TBF and auto-piloting the earning on that page as well. Just
search for random gaming pages, and basically anything above
10k members will result in at least $5 daily.
Trustpilot (I EARNED $100 FIRST WEEK HERE!)
Okay so you may or may not have heard about Truspilot.com , It's
a website were you post things about companies, for example
check this link and look what he wrote.
Making posts on reddit can get you a lot of cookies as well. Let's
take for example Titanfall again, which is extremely popular right
now. Titanfall retail is €60 on Origin at the moment. G2a is offering
it for €32.99. That's almost 50% off! The players who're hyped
about Titanfall would surely love to get this information, as they'll
be saving such a great amount of money. You can head over to
reddit.com/r/titanfall for example, and you'll see some of my
posts there. In 2 weeks of the link being up, I've made around
$1600 just from advertising this one game on reddit. G2a offers
links to certain products as affiliate links, so you won't have to linkpeople directly to the site, but rather link them to the product.
Most of the people who click it don't even know they're
registering under my affiliate link, and some are so delighted with
the prices that they've already bought several games, all under my
cookies. Browse the subreddits a bit and share your link on every
post/page you think it'd be worth.
You can also use other social media, but I've used only Youtube,
Reddit and Facebook. The audience is extremely populated here
and I'm quite sure there are inifinite possibilities and pages you
can advertise on.
1) Use an URL shortener like goo.gl
2) When sending PMs to TBF don't sound like an
automated mass mailer. Use emotions, people love
3) I know it can be tiring and repetative, but never give up.
This is really easy cash. I didn't make a single cent the first
10 days I did this, and a month and a half later I'm making
$1500 a week minimum. The more I work, the more I earn!
4) Believe in what you're doing. If you believe in yourself
and in this method, you'll make money.
5) Never use your name in affiliate links. Make the links
attractive (see example of my link)


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